East End Veterinary Medical Centre

Spay & Neuter Benefits
Spaying or neutering your pet eliminates or reduces a wide variety of health problems that can be very difficult and expensive to treat. Females no longer have to go through heat cycles and the health and behavior-related problems that accompany them. Males are no longer controlled by their hormones, reducing aggressive behavior and the tendency to roam. But most importantly, spaying or neutering eliminates or reduces many types of cancer, tumors, and other serious health complications.

Statistics prove that neutered males are healthier pets. Many disease and health problems are caused by the effects of testosterone, a hormone produced in the testicles. By removing the source of testosterone, neutering reduces and eliminates the risks of many cancers and other hormone related medical conditions. None of the behavioral or medical problems caused by testosterone are rare. Veterinarians can deal with them on a daily basis.
Neutering Eliminates The Chances Of Developing:
Testicular tumors and cancer. Testicular cancer is the second most frequently diagnosed cancer in male dogs. There are several types of tumors, both benign and malignant, that can arise within the testicles.
Neutering Greatly Decreases The Chances Of Developing:
Prostatic Disease. Over 80% of all un-neutered male dogs develop prostate disease.
Infections and disorders of the prostate glands. Prostate conditions such as prostate enlargement, cysts, and infection are all related to the presence of testosterone.
Perianal tumors. These are tumors whose growth is stimulated by testosterone. These are commonly observed in older, unaltered dogs. Perianal gland cancer is the third most frequently diagnosed cancer in older intact male dogs.
Serious types of hernias. These are commonly observed in older, unaltered dogs and can occur on either or both sides of the anus. One of the long-term effects of testosterone causes the group of muscles near the anus to weaken or atrophy. The surgery to repair hernia complications are expensive and can be prevented.
Infections and disorders of the prepuce (the outer covering of the penis).

Spayed females are happier, healthier pets. The more heat cycles an unsprayed pert goes through, the more susceptible she is to serious disease. During an ovariohysterectomy (spaying), the uterus and ovaries are removed, ensuring that the hormones that cause health and behavior-related problems are no longer produced. At the same time, many cancers, tumors, and other medical conditions are reduced or eliminated.
Spaying eliminates the chances of developing:
Pyometra. Pyometra is a serious and potentially fatal infection of the uterus experienced by many unsprayed cats and dogs. If it is left untreated, you pet will most likely die.
Ovarian cancer and uterine infections. These are common occurrences in unaltered female dogs and cats, especially older pets.
Acute metritis (infected uterus). This can be potentially fatal if not treated in time.
Difficult pregnancy and delivery. This is common in older and ill cats.
Pseudopregnancies. Some females go through a false pregnancy every time they come into heat.
Spaying greatly decreases the chances of developing:
Breast cancer and tumors. The rate goes down to almost zero if the spay is done before the first heat cycle. Breast cancer is the most common malignant tumor in dogs, and the third most common cancer in cats. The chances of a female dog reaching 10years of age without developing this potentially fatal tumor is less than 11% in some breeds with normal hormone production.
Tumors of the reproductive system.
Mammary cancer. Mammary cancer is very common in older unspayed females, and is the most common cancer to spread to the lungs.
Mastitis (infection of the mammary glands). This can be potentially fatal if not treated in time.
Mammary tumors. Un-spayed females have about a 7 times greater chance of getting mammary tumors. False pregnancies.
Certain skin conditions related to hormonal imbalances.
Hair loss. The hair coat on many dogs suffers because of estrogen surges that occur with heat cycles or whelping. Their coats appear thin and underlying skin is exposed in many areas. It can take 2 to 4 months for the hair to return to normal.

Myths about what happens to our pets when Spayed or Neutered
Physical Myths
My pet will gain weight and become lazy.
My pet must be 6 months old to be spayed or neutered.
It’s better for my pet to have one litter before being spayed.
I need to wait until after my pet’s first heat.
Males don’t give birth so we don’t need to neuter them. My male pet wont look like a male anymore.
Personality Myths
My pet’s personality will change
My dog won’t be protective anymore.
My dog won’t be a good hunting companion anymore.
Having a litter will make my pet more mature.
Emotional Myths
I don’t want my pet to feel like less of an animal.
I wouldn’t want to live without sex, neither should my pet.
We Highly Recommend All Dogs and Cats Be Spayed and Neutered
**The Recommended Age Is Between 4 & 6 Months Old**